is proud to partner with

McDermott + Bull

to offer you outplacement support

We offer the leading career transition and virtual outplacement solution. It fits the needs of every type of transitioning employee and includes up to six months of 24x7 virtual access.

Our career transition solution is proudly offered to McDermott + Bull transitioning executives. Complete the form to request a license.

What Intoo can offer you:
  1. Orientation
  2. Job Search & Delivery
  3. Resume Development
  4. Pitch Development
  5. Networking & Company Research
  6. Interview & Follow Up

Request a License Today

Why Outplacement?

Intoo is the compassionate response to layoffs. Knowing that the most crucial component to career transition is personalized one-on-one career coaching, we connect candidates with professional coaches faster than any other provider to accelerate that next step in your employees’ careers. Our coaches are available 7 days a week for resume and LinkedIn profile reviews, personal branding, networking strategies, interview techniques, and more.

Backed by Millions of Active Jobs

Recipients of Intoo's Outplacement gain access to millions of active jobs from today's top companies, because our product is backed by our Recruitment Marketing solution. Our dashboard is designed to drive the most relevant jobs to job seekers. Intoo is the only virtual, intelligent platform that adapts to each employee's strengths, goals, and needs - even if those goals change throughout one's transition.

Resume Builder Technology

If you were let go today, would you have a resume ready? Are you confident that you would give a good interview? Intoo's industry-leading resume builder technology is intelligent and responsive, and our professional resume review service is led by world class career coaches. Transitioning employees may not be equipped with the tools to find their next role, but CareerArc Outplacement can give them the help they need to find a job faster.

One Intelligent, Responsive Platform

Our proven 6-step process starts with an orientation module: introductory videos, guides, and assessments prepare the candidate for career transition success. Job seekers can leverage research-backed and modern career assessment tools, quizzes, training, workshops, and content developed by top career management professionals put candidates on the path to success.

Career Coaching

Intoo has assembled a truly remarkable team of career management experts with substantial experience in the realm of career development and outplacement. Our coaches include Internationally Certified Career Counselors, Career Management Fellows, and Professional Resume Writers. That’s why our flexible outplacement solutions, award-winning platform, and dedicated support team deliver better results as employees depart your organization, with candidates landing 2.5x faster vs. the national average.

Benefits of Intoo USA